Monday, February 13, 2012


It is 10 am ish. Judah left for school about two hours ago, and since then I have been doing some research. But turning my thoughts back to him, this morning, I feel so grateful. At eight years old Judah is a strong boy, with his own ever-renewing interests, an appetite for life, a witty sense of humor, and a highly sensitive emotional life. I can't believe the person he has become already. He is just gorgeous, big brown eyes and floppy red-tinged brown hair, milky skin. I am so grateful.

We found out, on Friday, that I am carrying a little girl. I knew it. It's too complicated to go into, but I knew that this baby would be a little girl and we are so happy. Her name is Julia Noelle. I love her so much already and cannot wait to see her little face. I'm in my 23rd week and I've hit a nice spot wherein I am sleeping pretty well and have lots of energy.

For the first time in a long time, Chris has weekends off. I love it. He loves it. Two days off in a row makes it so much easier to relax. Our Saturdays are getting to be exercises in leisure and we are getting good at it. This Saturday seemed especially long.

It is a virtue to give thanks in every season, but in this season, it is so easy to do.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Beautiful post Erica. This comment is late, but better late than never, right?!?


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